Everything You Need to Know About Sugar Scrubs

Do you have a sweet tooth? Fortunately, the kind of sugar we’ll be talking about today won’t leave you with cavities when it comes time to visit the dentist. Let’s start with what sugar actually consists of and why it’s a great topical routine your skin will enjoy.

Sugar is a natural humectant, which means that this substance draws moisture from the environment into the skin. Sugar is also a natural source of glycolic acid, meaning that it penetrates skin and breaks down skin cells. “Breaking down” these skin cells allow for cell turnover, which generates fresher, younger-looking skin. Glycolic acid is also used to treat aging and sun-damaged skin for this reason. Because of this, exfoliating the top layer of skin with sugar scrubs results in fresh, new skin that will leave it looking healthy and renewed.

So when should you use sugar scrubs? We’ve got the details on how often and when you should use this natural exfoliant.


Benefits of Sugar Scrubs on Lips

Lips can really benefit from sugar scrubs for many reasons. In fact, lips are usually the skin that’s mostly forgotten in skincare routines. Without proper care and attention, lips can become dry and chapped due to the lower density of oil glands they possess. Because lips are in contact with saliva, which contains something called alpha-amylase—a digestive enzyme that can break down skin—it’s prone to dryness and a lack of nutrients. In addition, lips are exposed to heat, cold weather, wind, etc. every day. In short, lips go through a lot and yet don’t receive the love it needs.

To heal and soften lips, exfoliate with a sugar scrub once a week. Doing this will exfoliate the lips and simultaneously hydrate them. But do this with care. Lips are very sensitive, and thus, should be taken care of with that same sensitivity.

But what about using sugar scrubs before AND after applying lipstick?

Plenty of other beauty routines encourage you to scrub lips before and even after lipstick application. There is some truth to that. As mentioned before, sugar scrubs act as exfoliators and therefore remove dead skin cells. This can benefit when applying lipstick because the pigmentation can go on easier and smoother on lips that have been rid of dead skin cells. If lips are smooth and exfoliated, chances are that lipstick application will last longer too. This goes both ways as well. After a long day of wearing lipstick, simply using a makeup wipe to remove lipstick might not be enough. Removing the lipstick formula can be done with the makeup wipe but can fully breathe with a nice, soft sugar scrub.

So, what’s the real answer when it comes to exfoliating when applying lipstick?

We recommend using sugar scrubs for your lips at your discretion, while paying attention to how your lips are reacting with the amount of times you are exfoliating. If you are experiencing a raw, sensitive feeling after consistent sugar scrub use, that’s the lips telling you that you might be overdoing it. Therefore, you need to tone it down a notch and exfoliate less. In other words, exfoliate with caution and modify your lip care routine with your lips’ sensitivity in mind.


Other Instances to Use Scrubs

We’ve talked a lot about using sugar scrubs for your lips, but there are several other ways to exfoliate with a sugar scrub that can benefit your current skin care routine. Let’s go over a few of them.




Let’s have a refresher here. Exfoliating removes dead skin, flaky skin, impurities, and even dry patches. Using a sugar scrub can lead to softer, smooth skin and can even minimize the appearance of pores.

Applying a self-tanning lotion or getting a spray tan without exfoliating first can be considered a beauty faux pas. Don’t be a victim of it. The last thing anyone wants is a tan that is riddled with blotchiness, uneven, or flaky skin. Know that if you don’t exfoliate first, the self-tanning solution will just sit on the skin’s surface instead of blending in, causing dry or rough patches which will make the skin color looking uneven.

This is why using a body sugar scrub is one of the healthiest and most effective ways to a flawless sun-kissed glow. Prepping your skin with a body sugar scrub means that the self-tanning solution blends into your skin evenly, be absorbed flawlessly and keep that gorgeous glow lasting longer. If done this way, your skin can almost act like a natural makeup for your whole body. It can also reduce the appearance of skin imperfections such as blemishes, hyperpigmentation and acne scars—giving you the confidence you need when summer bod season arrives.


Looking to achieve silky, smooth skin on your legs and arms? Then you should always exfoliate before you shave. While this might sound a little excessive, exfoliating before shaving can be very apparent in your skin’s appearance post-shave. By removing the dead skin cells prior to shaving, you’re allowing your razor to do its best work yet. While you’re shaving, your razor can get as close to the root of your hair as possible when there’s less skin on the surface.

Exfoliating can lead to a smoother shave, but it can also help prevent ingrown hairs. The reason for this is that ingrown hairs are the result of shaved hair back into the skin instead of growing outwards. If a skin is not exfoliated, the dead skin cells can clog the hair follicles and block new hair from growing outwards. Exfoliated skin pre-shave can help lessen the chance of ingrown hairs as it removes the buildup of dead cells. Who wants sexy, smooth legs next time a shave in is order? We know we do!


Who says you need a reason to exfoliate? Exfoliating is a skin routine that’s been encouraged for a while now. It’s a great way to keep skin feeling bright, smooth, and healthy. Make room in your schedule to exfoliate next time in the shower or when taking a bath just…because. You don’t have to have a reason! It’s just good for your skin. Get rid of those pesky dead skin cells and start (or end) your day feeling like a new woman.

Next time you’re looking for something to indulge in, try to remember there’s a solution that won’t cause you cavities or add to your waistline—sugar scrubs can deliver those sweet results.