Razor Burn on Legs? Here’s How to Get Rid of It (and Prevent It in the Future)

With vacation season just around the corner, there’s no room for dreaded razor burn on your legs. You deserve to sport your bikinis, shorts, and dresses with the confidence of a smooth shave. But as much as we all want to show off those gorgeous legs, sometimes razor burn strikes when we least expect it.  
But have no fear, Whish reader. This blog will discuss the causes of razor burn on legs, plus seven trusty tips on how to get rid of it faster. Let this summer be the one you step out without the fear of razor bumps on your legs 

Razor Burn on Legs  101: What Causes  It?

Razor burn is a skin irritation that presents itself as a red, inflamed, itchy rash – post shaving. It’s often uncomfortable (some might even say downright painful) and generally appears right after shaving.  
Razor burn on legs (or anywhere on the body for that matter) is usually caused by the following:  

Using  a  Dull  Razor

It’s so important to use a new, sharp razor when shaving your legs to prevent razor burn on legs and ingrown hairs. A dull razor will cut and irritate sensitive skin—especially if you’re using long strokes when shaving—ouch!  
Also, if you’re someone that likes to pull your skin taut to get an extra close shave, think twice before doing so. Pulling skin tightly can cause leg hairs to stay below the skin’s surface once tension is released—this can cause painful and ugly shaving bumps on legs (aka ingrowns).  
Moral of the story, use a fresh razor with a conditioning pad to achieve an ultra-smooth, pain-free shave.  

NOT  Creating a  Protective  Barrier  on Skin  

We’re advocates of dry shaving legs when done correctly; however, don’t take that too literally because you still need something like a moisturizing shave cream, lotion, or body oil to create a barrier between your razor and skin.  
If you’ve ever been in a time crunch, then you’re probably guilty of dry shaving. Did it result in razor burn on your legs? We’ll guess the answer is yes! If you don’t apply a barrier between your razor and skin, then you run the risk of causing too much friction when shaving, resulting in tiny cuts and nicks.  

Pro tip:  if you’re on-the-go or need to get in a quick shaving sesh, but don’t have time to jump in the shower, try using water-based baby wipes and our Rice Milk + Rose Shave Cream . This product does triple duty by moisturizing, soothing and nourishing skin, and reducing the appearance of darkened veins with vitamin K and more.  
Swirl a generous amount onto legs, let it sit for 2-3 minutes, shave, and wipe off. You can kiss the days of razor burn on legs goodbye thanks to this luxurious best-selling shaving cream!  

Shav ing Against the Grain

You’re totally right, most people shave against the grain. It’s how we were taught when we first started to shave. But the reality is that it’s easier to avoid razor burn and ingrowns if you shave with  the grain.  
Don’t forget to apply a protective barrier to your legs and take light and short strokes to effectively cut all hairs. Be sure to clean your razor by rinsing it in cool water after each stroke to remove shaving cream buildup and lubricate the moisture strip on your razor so it’ll glides effortlessly across your legs. 
Now that we’ve covered the main causes of painful razor burn on legs, it’s time to talk about ways to get rid of it and prevent it from happening in the first place, so let’s get started.  

7 Ways to Get Rid of  Razor Burn on Legs  Fast

Follow these Whish tips for getting rid of razor burn and your skin will be on its way to recovery in no time!  

1. Don’t Freak Out

Many cases of razor burn clear up on their own with a bit of time, so don’t stress over it too much. In fact, if you’re stressing over your razor burn, you could actually be putting your skin in an even more compromising position.  
Stress greatly affects the skin and triggers the body to create more cortisol, a hormone that triggers glands in your body to create more oil. This reaction can potentially cause acne , so if you’ve been hit with a bout of razor burn, play it cool and allow your body to do its thing and heal.  

 2. Quell the Burn

A cool compress might be just the thing you need to provide instant relief from painful razor burn on legs. If you’re home, run a clean washcloth under cold water and place it in your refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes. Take the cloth out and press it onto your legs to extinguish the burning sensation. Within seconds you should feel substantial relief.  

3. Apply a Serum

After you’ve used a cold compress, allow your legs to air dry, and apply an alcohol-free ingrown hair serum . Our Flawless Post Shave & Wax Shave Ingrown Hair Serum is the  go-to product for all-natural and gentle treatment of ingrown hairs and razor burn on legs  
This bottle of magic is clinically proven to repair bumps, ingrown hairs, and other minor skin imperfections on the affected area. It gets to the root of the problem of ingrowns and razor burn by preventing future ingrown hairs, moisturizing the most delicate of skin, soothing skin (buh-bye razor burn), and restoring your skin to a gorgeous look and feel. If you’ve ever wondered how to get rid of razor bumps on legs, then this serum is your answer!  

4 Change Up Your Shaving Schedule

Your skin needs time to heal, so if possible, skip shaving your legs for a few days and allow your skin to get some much-needed R&R. This may be a tough one for all you serial shavers, but it’s a necessary step to take in order to heal—we promise you’ll thank us later.  

5 Condition Sensitive Skin

Shaving is a form of exfoliation and strips skin of its natural oils, so it’s important to replenish lost moisture and keep skin conditioned and nourished with quality products.  
If you’ve been searching for an ultra-moisturizing hair removal product, then our Coconut Shaving Cream  is your Whish come true! Step into a tropical paradise with the luxurious scent of fresh coconut and give sensitive skin the best shave you’ve ever experienced.  
This cream offers rich and nourishing protection against dryness and is loaded with all-natural and organic ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil to name a few. Apply a dollop to wet skin, shave, and rinse. That’s all it takes to achieve the ultimate shaving experience.  

 6 Avoid Restrictive Clothing

Irritated skin needs to breathe, so do yourself a huge favor and avoid tight clothes  that’ll rub against the razor burn on your legs (we’re looking at you, yoga pants). But in all seriousness, it may take a few days for your razor burn to subside, so try wearing loose clothing that allows lots of air flow and doesn’t sit too closely to the skin.  

7. Apply an OTC Cream

In some rare cases, the above tips just won’t cut it when it comes to a serious case of razor burn on legsIf that happens, you may want to try applying a topical OTC cream such as cortisone to heal your razor burn. Cortisone cream works by reducing pro-inflammatory mediators, which cause redness, inflammation, and itching.  
A couple dabs applied to razor burn on legs (please follow directions on packaging), should help provide some relief. If you follow these tips and you’re still experiencing razor burn with no signs of healing, then please contact your physician for further assistance and care.  

Like They Say… An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure

There’s steps you can take right here right now to prevent razor burn on legs from happening in the first place. Following these recommendations can save you from the headache of painful irritation:  

Exfoliate Skin Regularly

Your skin is constantly shedding dead skin cells that can clog pores, which can block the pathway for hair to grow up and out of the skin barrier as it naturally should. When this happens, you’re more likely to develop ingrown hairs and razor burn. Try exfoliating skin several times a week with our exfoliating body wash  to prep skin for shaving.  

Toss Your Old Razor ASAP

A dull razor can shred your skin. Did you know if you’re using a disposable razor, it’s only meant for a single use? Get rid of dull blades and take care of your skin and replace your old razor with new, sharp razors that have a conditioning strip for a smooth and silky shave.   

Shave  With  the Grain

You might not always achieve the most effective shave by shaving with the grain, but you’ll be much less likely to walk away with a case of painful razor burn on your legs if you do.  

Create a Moisture Barrier

We believe that it’s better not to shave at all, then to shave dry skin. Strive to apply some sort of moisturizer, whether it be a moisturizing shave cream, body lotion, or body oil to act as a barrier between your razor blade and your skin. Lubricating the skin also allows your razor to glide effortlessly across your legs.   

Take your shaving routine to the next level by shopping our entire collection of  hair removal products   as seen on broadcast television and in publications such as Peop le, Marie Claire, and US Weekly.  Happy shaving!