The Correct Order to Layer Your Skincare Products to Get Glowing Skin

You have a detailed skincare routine, and you perform it every single night. Maybe you have a morning routine, too. But your skin still doesn’t have the glowing, radiant appearance you were promised. What gives?

Many people are not aware that you should apply skincare products in a specific order. Some products may block the absorption of other products and make them completely ineffective. 

Learn the correct order to apply your skincare products so you can show off the complexion you have always wanted. 


Why the Order of Your Routine Matters

Skincare is all about chemistry. 

Your skin has both physical and chemical characteristics that affect its appearance. 

Thick products, like creams, oils, and balms, seal your skin barrier to lock in moisture. If you try to apply thin serums over thicker products, they will not be able to penetrate your skin. 

The timing of your skincare routine also affects your complexion. Most people do not wait long enough for serums to absorb fully into their skin. You miss out on several skin benefits (and lots of money) by rushing your product application. 

Knowing your skin type will help you come up with the best routine to achieve that glowy, hydrated look you are after. 


Step 1: Use Your Cleanser

Cleansers are designed to be the first step in your skincare routine. They clear away dirt, oil, bacteria, and other debris that your skin collects throughout the day. 

Why Cleansing Is Important

Cleansing is especially important if you have acne-prone skin and clogged pores. Finding the right cleanser for your skin will keep your pores clear and free of harmful buildup. 

Start your skincare routine by splashing warm water on your face. This step will open your pores and soften any trapped dirt or debris. 

Gently lather and apply your facial cleanser to your skin. Your hair’s natural oils can cause acne and blackheads around your hairline, so make sure to reach the edges of your face. 

Cleansing is an important step that gives you a smooth, clean surface to work with when you apply your other skincare products. 

The Products You Need

Our Revitalizing Cleansing Oil with Bakuchiol is perfect for anyone who wants a great anti-aging cleanser. 

Bakuchiol is a natural alternative to retinol, which can be harsh and drying to your skin. Use our bakuchiol facial cleanser if you need to remove makeup, dirt, oil, and other impurities. 

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to dryness, our Rice Milk + Rose Face Crème Cleanser is a better fit for you. This cleanser naturally moisturizes your skin while clearing dirt and debris from your pores. 

Step 2: Apply Toner (Optional)

Toners can help balance your skin’s pH levels and improve the absorption of other products. They are not a necessary staple in every skincare routine, but they can be helpful. People with sensitive skin may prefer to avoid toners and skip to step three. 

What Toner Does for Your Skin

Toner has several purposes. It is designed to get rid of any remaining makeup, dirt, or other buildup on your skin that a cleanser may have missed. Toners can also improve your skin’s appearance. 

You might think of toner as an extra-strength cleanser full of antioxidants and other beneficial skin ingredients. It can shrink your pores and provide a smooth surface for other products, like serums and creams. 

Toners can be too harsh for people with sensitive or dry skin, so it is best to skip this step if you do not need them. 


Step 3: Apply Each Serum Individually

Serums are some of the most well-loved skin-boosting products on the market. They are formulated to address specific skin issues and protect your skin barrier over time. 

Some serums make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage, so you should wear plenty of sunscreen after using them. Every serum is different, so carefully follow the instructions on each product's label.

Give Your Serums Plenty of Time to Absorb 

With most serums, you should wait between 60 and 90 seconds before applying another skincare product. This will give the serum plenty of time to penetrate your pores and settle into your skin. 

Different Types of Serums and Their Benefits

Step three is the best time to use antioxidant serums and chemical exfoliants.

Antioxidants are powerful anti-aging ingredients that protect your skin from free radical damage. Over the years, this will benefit your complexion’s appearance.

Some common antioxidant ingredients found in serums include:

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Green tea 
  • Vitamin A (retinol)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacinamide)
  • Resveratrol

These ingredients can have anti-aging properties and protective effects on your complexion.

Many chemical exfoliation serums contain AHA or BHA, two skin-safe acids that renew skin cells and refresh your complexion.

Hyaluronic acid serums are used for drawing in moisture toward your pores. Combined with a high-quality moisturizer , hyaluronic acid serums can significantly boost your skin’s hydration levels. 

The Products You Need

Our Blue Matcha Clarifying Serum is full of beneficial antioxidants and soothing ingredients. This serum contains several plant-based extracts that go to work on your skin. If you want to reduce redness, pore size, and dead skin cells, this is the serum for you.  

A+B+C Magic Serum contains antioxidants, bakuchiol, and vitamin C, which give it this tasteful name. Antioxidants and vitamin C provide superior skin protection against environmental toxins, sun damage, and signs of aging. Bakuchiol is gaining popularity as a retinol alternative , making it the perfect gentle anti-aging ingredient. 


Step 4: Moisturize

Moisturizers are essential in any skincare routine. Most moisturizers come in creams, but they can also be masks, serums, or oils. 

During step four, only use creams and serums to moisturize your skin. Oils should be the last products that you apply to your face. 

The Benefits of Moisturizers

Moisturizing products add important hydration and softness to your skin. Without a moisturizer, your skin will likely become dry and damaged. 

Many moisturizers fight against aging, as wrinkles and fine lines tend to form on dry skin. Even if you are in your 20s or 30s, moisturizer is essential for maintaining a healthy skin barrier. 

Moisturized skin appears glowy, dewy, and hydrated to the outside world. If you only buy a few products for your skin, make sure moisturizer is included. 

The Products You Need

We have a few moisturizers that restore essential hydration to your skin. Depending on your skin’s unique needs, you may benefit from these clean beauty moisturizing products.

Our Moisture Replenishing Day Cream with Bakuchiol soothes and protects your skin throughout the day. This cream is gentle enough to use as a morning moisturizer, as it will combat factors that attempt to strip your skin of its moisture throughout your day.

The nighttime partner for this cream is our Recovering Night Cream with Bakuchiol . Designed for intense hydration and cell renewal, this cream is perfect for finishing off your evening skincare routine. As you sleep, it will repair skin cells and deeply moisturize your skin. 


Step 5: Apply Eye Cream

Eye cream works to firm and smooth the skin around your eyes. As you age, these areas tend to show damage and wrinkles first. Using an eye cream at night before you go to sleep will combat signs of aging and replenish essential moisture. 

The Products You Need

Our Repairing Eye Cream with Bakuchiol is an anti-aging powerhouse that gets rid of undereye bags and dark circles. Since bakuchiol is an alternative to retinol, you get all of the anti-aging benefits without the dryness and irritation. 

After using this eye cream, you will look brighter and more awake in the morning. Use it nightly to get the best results possible! 


Step 6: Use Face Oils

Face oils are typically much thicker than serums and creams. For this reason, you should apply all oils to your face and lips at the very end of your skincare routine. They take the longest to absorb into your skin, so no other products will work if layered on top of face oils. 

Why You Should Try Face Oils

Face oils can be very nourishing, hydrating, and moisturizing for your skin. Even acne-prone skin can benefit from the right type of face oil. 

If you need deep hydration and nourishing skin repair, try our Bakuchiol Restoring Face Oil . This oil fights facial aging while restoring important moisture and protection to your skin barrier. 

Our face oil is lightweight, so it will not clog your pores or cause harmful buildup. You should use a gentle cleanser the morning after applying face oil to give your skin a fresh reset. 


Whish Beauty: Gentle and Effective Skincare Products

At Whish Beauty, we are passionate about providing plant-based, cruelty-free, and clean skincare products. Improve your complexion and get the radiant glow you have always desired with Whish Beauty!