Tips to Correctly Exfoliate Your Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are one of those physical traits that nearly everyone has, yet you may not always be able to see them. Though stretch marks, or striae, are extremely common among women of all ages, many are on the lookout for ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

If your stretch marks make you self-conscious, or you’re just wondering when and how they got there, you’re not alone. Stretch marks can occur on your skin for many different reasons. The more you understand stretch marks and what they mean, the more effectively you’ll be able to treat them with the right products. 


Why Do Stretch Marks Happen?

As you may have guessed from the name, stretch marks occur when the skin stretches farther than usual. This is why many women get their most noticeable stretch marks after pregnancy or after significant weight gain. However, there are many different types of striae that look slightly different and show up in different places depending on what causes them. 

Stretch marks caused during pregnancy manifest as long, dark pink streaks along the stomach where the skin stretches to accommodate the baby. Weight gain-induced marks look very similar. When children go through puberty and grow rapidly, they can develop light-colored marks along their backs or hips, which can persist into adulthood. 

These are the most common situations that cause stretch marks to develop, especially for women. 

Do Stretch Marks Go Away?

Even though the skin can shrink back down to a certain extent after birth or weight loss, stretch marks don’t just disappear. Though their color might fade over time, many women will continue to notice stretch marks on their stomachs, sides, hips, and other areas where their skin expanded during pregnancy, even many years after giving birth. 

Stressed about your stretch marks? Don’t panic! These marks on your skin may not completely go away on their own, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to reduce their appearance. Exfoliating your skin on and around your stretch marks can make a huge difference in how dark or noticeable your stretch marks are. 

Does Exfoliating Help With Stretch Marks?

You may have heard about exfoliation for your face before. It’s all the rage in the skin care world when it comes to creating daily and weekly routines for clear, radiant skin. However, not everyone knows that exfoliation can be a useful tool for many different areas, not just your face. 

If you’ve never tried exfoliating stretch marks before, you’re about to discover your next favorite beauty treatment. The process is super simple, and you’ll be able to see noticeable results quickly if you’re consistent. 

Essentially, exfoliation is the process of removing an external layer of dead skin by applying a product designed to be lightly abrasive. Dead skin left on your body often contributes to how clearly you can see wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and stretch marks. This means that when you exfoliate properly and get rid of the extra dead skin cells, it can actually decrease the visibility of your stretch marks, among other things. 

Exfoliation does more than just get rid of old skin cells, however. This process also encourages the production of collagen, elastin, and new skin cells in the body. After exfoliation, you might notice that your skin looks brighter, tighter, and more youthful. That’s no accident! It’s your exfoliation hard at work. 

Tips for Exfoliating Stretch Marks

Now that you understand what happens when you exfoliate, how can you transfer this practice to the stretch marks on your body? Exfoliating facial scrubs are usually applied just like a cleanser or moisturizer, but is the application process different for other parts of your body? 

Don’t worry — we’ve got all the tips you need to quickly and easily exfoliate for stretch marks. Incorporate exfoliation into your routine once or twice per week to see optimal results. Also, remember to be patient with yourself as you work on your stretch marks using exfoliating scrub. It could take some time to see a big difference depending on how dark your marks are. 

Choose an Exfoliating Body Scrub You Love

Finding the perfect exfoliating scrub for stretch marks is the first step you should take to reduce their appearance and boost your confidence. At Whish Beauty, you can explore our entire line of sugar scrubs that are carefully designed to gently remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling softer and more youthful.

With so many scents to choose from, including kabosu sea salt , l emongrass , l avender , and more, you can find a sugar scrub from Whish Beauty that aligns with your preferences and makes you feel truly pampered each time you use it. Additionally, you can always trust that your Whish Beauty products contain natural, chemical-free ingredients that are certified organic and gentle on the skin. 

The best way to use your Whish Beauty Sugar Scrub is to bring it into the bathtub or shower with you. Take a small amount onto your fingertips and spread it over the areas where your stretch marks are most visible. After a few minutes of application, rinse the area thoroughly with warm water. 

Create an Exfoliating Routine

Using a body scrub as a stretch mark treatment can be effective, but consistency is key. If you only use your Whish Beauty Sugar Scrub occasionally, you’re sure to enjoy softer, more supple skin each time. However, you may not notice the visible difference in the stretch marks that you’re looking for. 

Exfoliating stretch marks can easily become a part of your weekly beauty routine. Don’t exfoliate every day, as it could irritate your skin or cause uncomfortable dryness. Instead, take the time to exfoliate your stretch marks one or two times per week and consider the differences you notice over time. 

Use a Loofah When You Bathe

Whish Beauty Sugar Scrub and similar exfoliating scrubs are formulated to be just abrasive enough to remove dead skin without causing scarring or skin damage. Applying this type of product with just your hands works for the sensitive skin of the face, but it may not be effective enough to make a difference on your stretch marks, which are usually on much thicker areas of skin. 

If you’re not noticing a difference in your striae after a few exfoliation sessions, try using a loofah to apply and rub in your body scrub. The additional pressure and abrasion will help to make the exfoliation process even more effective than body scrub alone, leaving no dead skin behind and encouraging new skin cells to form. You should see a greater difference in how prominent your stretch marks are after a few weeks of your updated skin care routine.

Follow Up With Self Tanner Lotion

Did you know that stretch marks can be more prominent on paler skin? This means in addition to making you feel more confident and ready to rock that tank top or pair of shorts, self-tanner can have an even greater benefit. 

For a glowing, even tan from the comfort of your home, try Coconut Milk + Verbena Self T anner from Whish Beauty. Your skin will feel deeply hydrated after each use, and a deeper tan will help to decrease the contrast of your stretch marks. It’s truly a win-win-win situation! Pair self-tanner with your weekly exfoliating routine and enjoy the difference you see in your skin.  

Try Skin Brushing

In addition to your stretch mark care routine, consider taking up skin brushing. If you’ve never heard of it, skin brushing is another effective way to remove outer layers of dead skin outside the shower. 

Using a bristle brush that’s not too coarse, brush your skin using an upward motion in small strokes from your feet all the way to your shoulders and neck. Combining this with regular exfoliation could help to make your stretch marks less noticeable and encourage your skin to produce more collagen, thanks to the increased blood flow. 


Can I Avoid Stretch Marks?

With all these helpful tips to treat stretch marks, you may be wondering if there’s a way to simply avoid these pesky marks altogether. 

A regular routine of exfoliating your skin might help to reduce extra stretch marks from forming or becoming very noticeable. However, it’s important to keep in mind that stretch marks are just a part of life, as your body is designed to grow and change with you!


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If you want to look and feel your best while supporting the environment, botanical beauty products are the way to go. Design a custom beauty routine that helps you meet your goals with Whish Beauty.