Easy Ways to Get Smooth, Sexy Legs This Summer

The weather is heating up, and you’re starting to hit the pool, the beach, and the great outdoors. There’s only one problem — you don’t have the buttery, silky-smooth legs you desire. 

Your legs are an important accessory when it comes to hot weather fashion. After all, the summer is when your legs are exposed the most. If you want to feel more confident in your skin this season, follow these tips for soft, smooth legs. 

How Summer Weather Affects Your Skin

You might think dry, flaky skin is only a problem in winter, but summer can bring just as many skin challenges. 

If you live in a dry, hot climate (think deserts in the southwest), your skin is more prone to dryness in the summer. Lack of humidity can strip your skin of its natural oils and moisture. 

This is especially true if you spend a lot of time outdoors under the sun. While sunshine is good for your mental health, your skin tells a different story. The sun can cause your skin’s moisture barrier to break down and eventually become flaky, itchy, and rough. 

When it comes to silky, sexy legs, dry heat can be a huge problem. Luckily, there are ways to prevent and correct overly dry summer legs. 


Exfoliate to Make Your Legs Smooth In the Summer 

Exfoliation is key when it comes to smooth, soft skin anywhere on your body. Your legs benefit from regular exfoliation just as much as your face and neck do. 

When you exfoliate your legs, you clear away dead skin cells that no longer feel smooth and soft. After you exfoliate, you’re left with a fresh layer of skin that can take in moisture more easily. 

Whish Body Scrubs

Whish Exfoliators, like our body scrubs with sugar and raspberry seed, are perfect for summertime. These scrubs contain botanical ingredients that moisturize while they exfoliate and refresh the skin. 

Our extensive collection of body scrubs includes:

Each of our delicious smelling body scrubs will smooth your legs and give you a fresh base for moisturizer!

The Dry Brushing Method

Another way to exfoliate your legs for gorgeous, smooth skin is to use a dry brush. Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like; you use a dry-bristled brush to exfoliate your skin. 

Along with clearing away dead skin cells, dry brushing also improves circulation and lymphatic drainage. You can reap the health benefits of dry brushing while getting silky, soft legs this summer. 


Stop Dry Skin in the Summer

The most important step you can take to achieve soft, smooth legs is to keep your skin moisturized. 

This might sound counterintuitive if you sweat a lot or have oily skin. However, if your skin’s moisture barrier is compromised, it needs extra hydration. 

Whish Body Butters

One of the best products to keep your legs moisturized this summer is our Body Butter . You get great value out of all of our body moisturizers, so you can stick to your budget and still have soft legs!

We also offer body butters in the following scents:

These deliciously scented flavors match up with our exfoliating body scrubs. Paired together, our body scrubs and body butters can give you the soft, sensual legs you want this summer!

Extra Hydration: Luminous Body Oil


Our Coconut Milk + Verbena Luminous Body Oil is perfect for those who need an extra hydration boost. You can use this luscious oil as soon as you get out of the shower or apply it before wearing shorts, skirts, and dresses.  

Body oils lock in moisture by sealing your skin’s barrier. This allows your skin cells to soak up our nourishing, hydrating body oil ingredients. Best of all, your legs get a gorgeous shine and glow!


Smooth and Hair-Free: Your Guide to Summer Leg Shaving

If you want your legs to be as soft, even, and smooth as possible, shaving is a good place to start. By removing the hairs on your legs, you can show off your gorgeous, silky skin. 

While waxing can be a good solution to leg hair, not everyone has the time and money to get professional services. Shaving is easier and more affordable for the average person to do at home. 

The Best Summer Shaving Products

The key to getting perfect summer legs is to use the right shaving products. High-quality shaving cream and aftercare products can prevent bumps, redness, and irritation. 

Our plant-based shave creams contain a natural ingredient called squalane, which protects your skin’s moisture barrier. As you shave your legs, our shave cream will reinforce your skin’s hydration levels and protect you from nicks, cuts, and bumps. 

After you shave, our Flawless Post Wax & Shave Serum soothes any irritation or redness. These are inevitable when you shave any part of your body, but our serum minimizes discomfort and visible irritation. 

Our Flawless Legs Bundle is exactly what you need for a hassle-free summer shaving experience. Complete with our award-winning Shave Cream and Flawless Post Wax & Shave Serum, this bundle saves you money and discomfort.

And now that your legs are smooth and irritation free, try our Body Serum with Hair Inhibitor to slow hair regrowth and keep your legs smoother for longer.


Get the Perfect Tan Legs: Radiant, Smooth, and Glowing

During the summer season, most people want to get a gorgeous tan. This isn’t always possible, especially if you try to keep your skin safe from the sun. 

You don’t have to overexpose your skin to UV rays to get that radiant tan you desire. Our Self Tan & Glow Bundle has everything you need to achieve the perfect skin color for summer. 

In this bundle, you get one bottle of our Self Tanner, one bottle of Super Jojoba, and one bottle of our CC Body Cream. With this trio, you never have to worry about dull, pale, rough-textured legs in the summer.  

Whish Self Tanner

Our Self Tanner gives you the perfect sun kissed look without damaging your skin. Unlike harmful UV rays, self-tanner doesn’t increase your risk for skin cancer and premature aging. You simply apply it as directed and watch your skin go from winter pale to summer tan. 

Super Jojoba

Our Super Jojoba lotion is designed to protect your skin from environmental pollutants. This cream has long-lasting moisture, making it perfect for after-sun care. 

Super Jojoba helps keep your skin moisturized and nourished so you can enjoy flawless, smooth legs this summer. 

CC Body Cream

Our CC Body Cream acts as a light bronzer and reduces the appearance of blemishes and dark spots. If you want a more even, tanned skin tone, this cream is perfect for you. 

Combined with the other two products in this bundle, our CC Body Cream is the best finishing touch for your gorgeous summer legs. 


Other Tips for Sexy Summer Legs

There are a few steps you can take at home to make sure your legs stay buttery-soft, smooth, and glowing this summer. Follow these tips to boost your confidence in your legs on your next beach day or outdoor adventure. 

Use Lukewarm or Cold Water to Shower

Try to shower using only lukewarm or cool water during the summer. Extremely hot water can dry out your legs and cause flaky patches. 

Hot showers are fine once in a while, but you should make sure you aren’t stripping your skin of important oils and moisture. To get the perfect summer legs this year, avoid scalding-hot showers. 

Apply Sunscreen Regularly

SPF is important for many reasons. It helps protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and prevent skin cancer. Regular sunscreen application can also help you get smooth, sexy legs this summer. 

The sun can dry out your skin and puts you at risk for sunburn. No one wants to walk around with red, burning, itching legs during this warm sunny season. 

If you want to show off gorgeous summer legs this year, take the time to reapply your sunscreen every two hours (or more often) when you’re in the sun. 

Stay Hydrated

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water this summer! Staying hydrated will replenish your skin’s moisture and make it easier to maintain soft, smooth legs. 

Drinking water also helps prevent dehydration and heat stroke. When you’re out in the hot summer sun, nothing is more important than staying hydrated. Grab your favorite water bottle next time you head to the beach, the pool, or any other outdoor area this summer. 

Avoid Products with Harsh Chemicals

You should avoid any beauty products that have complicated ingredients. Harsh chemicals, like sulfates and parabens, can irritate your skin and interfere with the sultry summer look you’re going for. 


Whish Beauty: Clean, Cruelty-Free Products for Hot Summer Legs

If you love clean beauty that gives back to the environment and remains cruelty-free, Whish Beauty is for you. We create every product with the utmost respect and love for our customers, the planet, and the animals. 

Get glowing, gorgeous summer legs with Whish Beauty this year!