Face it. Everyone wants glowing, flawless skin. But for most of us who aren’t blessed with naturally perfect genes, it can be difficult to get there—especially when there are ever present skin conditions like acne, rosacea, dry skin, oily skin, and countless other irritating issues. But fear not, all hope is not lost. Just about anyone can have great skin. Best part? Most effective skincare tips take less effort than you may think to give you visible results over time, like decreased redness, increased glow and acne control. While they may be a longer-term commitment, these simple lifestyle tips are guaranteed to reap significant results. 1) Always Treat Your Skin Gently Your skin goes through enough every day with external aggressors, like pollution and sun, damaging the health of your skin. Additionally, scrubbing too hard can leave skin rough and red. Don't fight with your face. Skip harsh scrubs and even washcloths, which can be too rough on your face and can cause irritation, which in turn, can make you more susceptible to breakouts. Aside from skin pollutants, excessive daily cleansing can have a toll on your skin, no matter what kind of products you use. In order to handle your skin gently, try to skip hot water and go for lukewarm instead. Steamy showers and scalding face washes remove oils from your skin, leaving you dry and susceptible to damage. Strong soaps can also strip the oils from your skin. We recommend that you pat dry (never rub or tug!) your skin after you wash. Not only will that help lock in the moisture, but it won't roughen the delicate skin on your face. Find a gentle cleanser that’s going to refresh and lock in moisture without throwing off the pH balance of your skin. We always recommend that you pay close attention to the ingredients in each product and try to avoid harsh, drying chemicals, or ingredients that you know you are sensitive to, that might cause a negative reaction and give you the complete opposite result of what you’re looking for. Healthy tip: When trying a new product, test it first by applying a small amount to your inner arm and wait 24 hours. You can thank us later. 2) Moisturize Often Moisturizing is an important part of your daily skin care routine no matter your age or skin type, because moisturizing helps keep your skin refreshed and hydrated. We can’t stay young forever, and as we inevitably age, the oil glands that help keep your skin healthy begin to lose their effectiveness, leaving it to create fewer oils. When you moisturize daily, these oil glands don’t have to work as hard to keep skin looking healthy throughout your life. But the advantages of using a moisturizer doesn’t stop there. Nobody wants to look older than they are, and wrinkles certainly don’t help. Your skin plumps up when you add moisture which gives your face a firmer and more radiant appearance, so by adding a moisturizer to your daily routine, you can help keep wrinkles to a minimum. Unfortunately, some people will have unwanted blemishes, such as a mark, spot, or discoloration. Some moisturizers can help reduce the appearance of blemishes on the skin—and some can even out your skin tone if your blemish happens to be discolored. While we’re not saying moisturizers are miracle workers and can completely remove blemishes, applying a moisturizer helps give your skin a healthy and polished appearance. Do your best to research on what kind of moisturizer will work best for your skin and we guarantee you’ll see a noticeable difference! 3) Exfoliate Regularly - But Not Too Roughly Now that we have gentle daily cleansing and moisturizing down pat, another great way to achieve flawless skin is by exfoliating. Dead skin cells are the ultimate no-no if you want to have beautiful skin. While there can be that misconception that certain skin types should be avoiding exfoliation, truth be told, all types of skin can actually benefit from it—the key is to use the right product and not overdo it. While your skin may not be able to handle daily exfoliation, that doesn’t mean you can do without it altogether. What’s also important is that you need to be gentle when you’re exfoliating. The abrasive texture of a scrub can easily result in redness and swelling if you scrub too harshly. That’s why we recommend light movements on your face when you are exfoliating. Exfoliating two to three times per week is the right fit for most people, but if you begin notice any irritation, you may want to exfoliate less often. A good exfoliating mask a few times per week is super easy and gets the job done with little effort. Bottom line: One needs to be aware of products that can be too abrasive and can harm the skin instead of helping it. Tools such as washcloths, rough sponges, and loofahs can be very hard on the skin and can leave you feeling irritated, and even with damaging results. Just as they say, “your body is your temple,” same goes for your skin. Treat it right! 4) Use Sunscreen! Did you know that dermatologists agree that sun damage is one of the leading causes of skin dullness, dryness, aging, and pigmentation? For a skincare regimen, sunscreen plays a vital role—it can almost be considered the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. Why’s that? Sunscreen can actually slow down skin aging, as well as help prevent skin cancer. Spending prolonged periods of time in the sun without proper protection can damage your skin and lead to visible signs of aging down the road. Sun protection is an absolute must, but often overlooked part of the skincare routine. Many people think sunscreen is only necessary for a day at the beach, but you should be using sunscreen every day. You are constantly exposed to UV radiation, even on cloudy days and through windows. Sun damage adds up over the years, so protect your skin now, and reduce the signs of aging later. When choosing a sunscreen, check the SPF (Sun Protection Factor)…the higher the number, the better the protection. It is best practice to apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside. Be sure to apply sunscreen generously to all exposed areas, and reapply every 2 hours, or more often when swimming or sweating. 5) Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle and Good Hygiene Some of the best skincare tips are the simplest. Staying well-hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet are critical for the overall health of your skin. Water flushes out the toxins in your body, so drink plenty of it. Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants, so increasing your daily intake can also give your skin a fuller and healthier appearance. With this in mind, maintaining good skin hygiene is also part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When you keep your skin clean and healthy, one is ensuring that the entire body remains healthy too. One critical practice of good skin hygiene is to avoid touching your face—especially if your hands haven’t been washed recently. As gross as it may sound, hands pick up an incredible amount of dirt and bacteria throughout the day that you may not even see. By touching one’s face, hands are just adding more dirt and bacteria to the skin. Gross, right? That’s why touching one’s face is a major “nope” in our book. Understanding what your skin needs to stay healthy will help you learn how to take care of it and select skincare products that are right for you. Ultimately, caring for your skin is a choice but we assure you that you won’t regret it in the long run.